LASER Therapy
LASER therapy, often referred to as Low-Level LASER Therapy (LLLT) or cold LASER therapy, involves the use of low-power light (lasers) to promote healing, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve tissue function. Unlike surgical or aesthetic lasers, it does not produce heat and does not damage the tissue.
LASER Therapy actually gets its name because it’s an acronym! It stands for:
Light (which is made of photons)
Amplification by
Emission of
How Does LASER Therapy Work?
Like photosynthesis in plants, we have cellular reactions to the energy we absorb from light! The LASER machine stimulates this absorption via a process called photobiostimulation.
This therapeutic light energy does two things when absorbed:
- Stimulates the mitochondria (“powerhouses” of the cell) – essentially giving your cells an “energy boost”
- Improves cell membrane permeability to allow better transfer of nutrients into, and waste products out of, the cell.
This results in stimulating healing, reducing inflammation, enhancing cellular metabolism, increasing blood flow, and decreasing pain.
Conditions Addressed by LASER Therapy
LASER therapy can address a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to:
- Arthritis
- Tendinopathies/Tendonitis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Sprains
- Acute and chronic pain
- Neuropathy
- Sports performance
- Muscle tension
- Wound healing (helps reduce scarring)
- Hematomas/Bruising
- Muscle Strains/Tears
- Post-surgical recovery
- Sports injuries
- Nerve pain (Neuralgia, Postherpetic Neuralgia)
- Acute pain
- Chronic Pain
- Trigger Points
- Bursitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome